✅ ... committed
✅ ... committed
The ONLY THING that achieves these mind-blowing results... is YOU the committed parent, sitting down with YOUR CHILD, instructing your child on the sounds of each letter combination.
Your child looks at the letter, repeats the sounds you have given, and together you the
parent instructor, and your child learner
go from "cat" → all the way to → "determination", "concentration", "accomplishment", and "pterodactyl"
Watch the video to see it in action ⬆️🔥⬆️
YOU... the parent... will always teach your child to read better than the best school.
Your child will always be a better reader, learning to read at home, than they ever will at school.
The Words Your Child Reads!!
THAT is the most important thing!
The actual text your child is sitting down and being instructed to read... is the most important thing.
Check out these stories we've been showing you!
Your child will be carried away on tales of rocket ships and pirate ships, island paradise and world exploration, riding lions across the sky and a bounty of interesting tales to engage and entertain your child.
BUT ... these BIG stories hold LARGE secrets...
...they are far more than ordinary children's books.
These TOMES OF READING MAGIC are carefully constructed and meticiously crafted for your child's
THESE STORIES ... ARE EXACTLY THE REASON ... why our children read the encyclopedia at 3 years old.
Each word is carefully placed, layered with utmost care into each story, sequenced and repeated for your child's maximum learning. We call it MAGIC WORD PROGRESSION and it's the GOLDEN TICKET to your child's phenomenal reading success.
These stories are not only INCREDIBLY INTERESTING for your child, they secretly weave LEARN TO READ WIZARDRY inside your child's mind.
You see, from reading the word "cat", all the way to reading the word "pterodactyls" is not a simple leap!!
Rather, your child needs to take micro-steps... 100,000 microsteps - precisely crafted.
This is why MAGIC WORD PROGRESSION is so essential.
First, your child reads "cat", then "sit", then "nut".
Fast forward a few thousand words until "less", "mess", "such", and "much", and fast forward another 10,000 words for "goes", "which", "bright" and "flight".
Fast forward another 25,000 words and it's "approve" and "improve", to 50,000 words and it's "extendable" and "remarkable"...
... and so on and so on for 100,000 words until YOUR CHILD is reading WHATEVER you put in front of them!
Literally! You can find the hardest book on your bookshelf - your child will easily read it.
Because your child has been SCAFFOLDED!
Your child is gently lifted, by whisper and thread, through the world of LITERARY GENIUS, until - at the ripe age of 4 years old (!!) your child can literally read anything.
Shocking? It shouldn't be - because it's ALL available to you right now!
Inside the app, everytime you read with your child, you get all your questions answered.
You will become the EXPERT because you will have Top 1% World Literacy Knowledge.
We show you real time footage of our children fast-learning the exact text your child is about to read, AND we clearly show you how to MAXIMISE your child's SUCCESS, maximise their SPEED of learning and ACHIEVE incredible results in record time.
Your child learns to read by actively tapping into their deep thinking abilities. Anyone that tries to convince you that you can "flash" cards at your child and they'll suddenly know how to read, is leading you astray.
Many phonics readers & programs offer 500 words or less to your child. Harry Potter books are 100,000 words long! CHECK WORD COUNT! Your child needs lots of words! IMPOSSIBLE for your child fluently read with 500 or even 5000 words.
There was never a child playing a game who suddenly began reading the encyclopedia. Gaming developers deploy the same strategies used to make poker machines. Such terrible tools are addictive, distracting, and cannot deliver the results you see here.
Imagine you being the one instructed! For six months YOU are the one having to learn! This is crazy. Your child makes no progress, but you have to sit through hours and hours of boring "education". Come on, our respect for you is infinitely higher than that.
One of the worst pieces of advice floating around is "read to your child". Parents take this advice and read countless books with their child - and the child never learns to read! Crazy. Here's the secret: YOUR CHILD NEEDS TO BE DOING THE READING! Not you!
YOU will always teach your child to read better than a teacher with 20 years experience, even if you've never taught your child anything before. The teacher has 17 kids! You'll give your full and loving attention to ONE CHILD. No contest! Your child will win everyday.
How Do I Get This?
We know you're busy. We know you want results. We're not here to waste your time.
Because your phone is always with you, what better place to store all these books, all these stories, and all this potential learning for your child: Right Inside Your #1 Life Tool.
We're about CONNECTING YOU, from "How To" → "Get Results Now".
➡️ Step 1: Watch the video to see everything you get inside the app.
➡️ Step 2: Click the Get Started Now button and proceed straight to purchase.
➡️ Step 3: After checkout, download the Life Changing Kids Reading app:
iPhone → Apple Store
Open the app, create your password - and you're flying! Ready for Reading Success!
your child reading like this?
If your child reads like this, there's literally zero barrier between them and all the knowledge of the world...!
ANY information, ANY knowledge your child wishes to pursue ANYWHERE in the world, in ANY book or written text - creates an open portal straight to your child's mind.
This is why we call it Life Changing Kids Reading.
It's $137 USD.
Your child's future is worth 1000 times this amount.
For this incredible price you get EVERYTHING for your child to succeed over the next 12 months - AND you'll become an expert in instruction, teaching and literacy through the in depth demonstrations and explanations you recieve at every step!
It's an absolute bargain for you, your child and for the sucess of your family in all future endeavours.
Your child will place so far ahead
of the world - there is quite honestly
NO LIMIT to their potential.
See you in the app.
See you on the right side of pure incredible!
There's so much waiting for you there
and we can't wait to talk more! 😊
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